Thursday, February 20, 2025
7 o’clock until 10 o’clock p.m.
Cocktail Attire
at the home of
Heather & Tommy Hixon
$100 Event Ticket
$100 Drawdown Ticket
Sponsorship Opportunities!
The History
Our Heartstrings Gala is the single annual fundraising event for McClean Fletcher Center. Hosted in February each year, the event is always held on Thursday night around Valentine’s Day. The Gala is held in a local Jackson home that is graciously offered to hold the 200+ guests. With every event comes a great deal of planning, donations, and sponsorships. It is because of the help and generosity of local businesses and organizations that the event can be successful and raise funds for the Center so that families can continue to receive free services.
Whether from the donation of actual supplies, volunteer time, or sponsorship, the community has come together every year to provide the Center with long-term, continuous support. The Board of Directors also plays a large role in planning and developing our Heartstrings Gala each year. The services the Center provides to families across the state are invaluable, and fundraising events such as this one reveal that the Center has a place in the heart of the community.

The tradition of the Heartstrings Gala began in 2002 when Mary Ann Lefoldt (President of the McClean Fletcher Advisory Board) and fellow board members began seeking creative ways to raise money to support the McClean Fletcher Center. Mary Ann had a vision to create a gala that would be something that people from all around the Jackson community would want to participate in. Because of the center’s size, they wanted to create an intimate fundraising event that would allow supporters the chance to attend and enjoy the atmosphere.
Mary Ann reflects on the McClean Fletcher Center’s growth over the past two decades and how its reach has expanded every year as it continues to help children and families. “Even though the Fletchers had the greatest loss that anyone could ever have, what has come of that loss has been able to help so many children”, shares Mary Ann. “The center has meant so much to me because I have been able to play a small part in helping children. What we have done for the Greater Jackson area has been unprecedented in our city, and I hope I can continue to be a part of it.“

Our Location
12 Northtown Drive
Jackson, Mississippi 39211